Mental Health Support & Therapy for First Responders

First responders, dispatchers, military members, medical professionals, correctional officers: Do you think your job has negatively affected your life in any way? Your health, relationships, outlook on life, quality of life? If you answered yes, know that we've got a safe space for you here.

Laura Gatien & Associates has a passion for improving the mental health of first responders and removing the barriers and stigma that go along with seeking mental health support.

Behind the badge, there is you. A human who struggles, because ALL humans struggle sometimes. Let us help. We can help you...

  • make sense of your experiences

  • reduce emotional reactivity to painful memories. 

  • increase understanding of PTSD symptoms and how to manage them

  • improve your quality of life

We recognize the hard work you put into caring for others. Let us help you take care of yourself too.

First Responder Peer Support Drop-In Program

First responders and front-line workers face tremendous challenges on the job, often resulting in mental health issues. Research from the University of Phoenix shows that 85 per cent of first responders have some symptoms of a mental health issue and are more likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty. This is staggering as these are preventable deaths. 

We have a passion for improving the mental health of first responders and removing the barriers and stigma that go along with seeking mental health support, which is why we offer a free weekly drop-in peer to peer support group for first responders

We know that these professionals need available and accessible peer-to-peer support – a place where they can connect with others in similar roles, process the stress of their roles, and build their personal and professional resilience. 

Benefits of peer support:

  • Decrease isolation 

  • Reduce the impact of stressors 

  • Increase sharing of health and self-management information 

  • Provide positive role modeling 

The Peer Support Group is held every Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm at our offices at 307 Westmorland Road, Saint John.

Hosted by Dave, a veteran, this program is completely free, and there is no commitment or pre-registration required.

You don’t need a diagnosis to attend. There is no therapy component; it is simply a peer-to-peer support group.

This group is appropriate for current or former: police, fire (including volunteer), paramedic, military, front-line healthcare workers and front-line social workers. 

For more information call Dave at (506) 898-2753.

How to Join