Our Blog
Join us for real conversations about mental health, wellness, relationships, and sexual health with me—a therapist, mom, and fellow human navigating the messy, beautiful journey of life. Let’s share insights, support each other, and embrace the ups and downs together!
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Why Imperfect Parenting Is Exactly What Your Kids Need
Do you ever find yourself striving so hard to be a great parent, based on what you’ve learned in adulthood? Do you beat yourself up when you lose your sh*t or things don’t go as planned? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the expectations we place on ourselves, especially when we draw from our own experiences, what we didn’t have, or what we strive to change for our kids.
The Lie We Tell Ourselves: Why You’re Not as Flawed as You Think
Have you ever found yourself thinking: “There must be something wrong with me?" It’s a belief that can run so deeply that sometimes we hardly notice when the thought pops up. But that thought often begins at a young age.
Why Most Women Don’t Orgasm from Penetration Alone
If you’ve ever wondered why penetration alone doesn’t lead to orgasm for you, you’re not alone—and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you.
Building and Protecting Confidence: A Skill for Everyone
Confidence is closely tied to mental health. If we can learn how to protect and nurture our confidence, we can better manage stress, avoid burnout and maintain a healthier work-life balance.
Struggling? Honesty Can Help
When I shared my blog in December “It’s Okay to Not Feel Joy This Christmas,” I received an overwhelming response from you all. This showed me just how powerful it is to admit we’re not always okay.
A New Year, Fresh Starts, and Living Proud
As we welcome a new year, I want to share a quote that has always meant a lot to me and that is taped up to a shelf in our office as a reminder.
It's Okay to Not Feel Joy This Christmas Season
As Christmas approaches, I want to take a moment to remind you that it’s okay if you’re not feeling the holiday joy this year. For many of us, the holidays bring up more pain than peace, or at least a mix of emotions.
Boost Your Mood by Giving Back
Giving to others activates the brain's "reward centre," releasing feel-good chemicals like dopamine and endorphins, creating a "helper's high" that boosts happiness. It can also lower stress by reducing cortisol levels and shifting focus away from personal challenges, offering relief from worry.
Embracing Neurodiversity: My Journey With ADHD
In 2021, I received a diagnosis that brought a lot of clarity to my life: ADHD. It was a turning point, helping me better understand many of my lifelong experiences, both the challenges and the strengths.
The Power of Being a Safe Person: 10 Tips to Connect More Deeply
The idea behind these 10 Ways to Be a Safe Person is simple: by adopting these behaviours, we can create a space where the people in our lives feel respected, supported and seen.
Unlock Your Freedom
As therapists, we are in the business of freedom. Every person who walks through our door carries stories—stories of their past, their present and their future.
An Open Letter to Our First Responders:
As someone who holds a deep respect for first responders and the work they do, I want to speak directly to the challenge of accessing therapy.
The Truth About Couples Therapy
In the last year, our practice has seen a dramatic increase in the number of couples who are reaching out for therapy. I think this speaks to many things.