Will You Please Just Tell Me What to Do? (I'm Listening)

Did you ever wish that someone would just tell you what to do when you are faced with a tough decision?

Maybe this is why you have reached out to a therapist in the past.

Many people come to therapy thinking a therapist can provide a fairly quick fix or can provide concrete solutions or answers to what is going on in their life.

But that’s not actually where our value is found.

What we strive to do is help you better understand what you are facing, examine your options and help you view your problems from a different perspective and help you trust yourself and find the answers within yourself.

We can reflect back to you what we hear, and sometimes that in itself provides a lot of clarity when your thoughts get outside your head and are organized by another person.

Sometimes all we can do is acknowledge the pain a person is in - there are no solutions.

We want to empower our clients to understand what holds them back and feel more confident in making life decisions as it's an important skill.

At the end of the day, it’s our goal that you not only take responsibility for the decisions and direction you take, but also that you believe you have the power to change your situation and take good care of yourself. That you can check in with yourself and live authentically.

The better we understand ourselves, our past, our wounds and triggers, the more we can learn to love who we are; a human being who is learning, growing and healing.

You are more insightful than you know, and you have the answers within you. We can help you along on your journey to find them, just reach out.


We're here if you want to talk :)

Take the first step and call us for an appointment ...(506) 651-1239


Suicide - The word caught your attention, didn't it?


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