We lost an icon last week

We are deeply saddened by the recent passing of Sue Johnson. Sue Johnson,  a visionary psychologist whose groundbreaking work in emotionally focused therapy (EFT) has become the foundation of the way we practice at LGA. She has had a significant impact on our clinical approach, in fact I just shared about this in a recent blog post explaining our future clinical direction. She has also been a change maker in the field, a pioneer in healing intergenerational trauma and someone who has been so inspiring to me in my role. 

Sue Johnson's approach to therapy has shaped the way we understand and address emotional distress within relationships. Her emphasis on the power of attachment and emotional bonds has revolutionized the way we support individuals and couples in their healing journey. She has inspired countless therapists, including our team to embrace a model of therapy that prioritizes connection, understanding, and healing and moves away from shame and diagnoses. 

At LGA, we regularly remind ourselves of Sue's principles of relentless empathy and seeing people in the context of their lives. Her work has also helped me personally to see beyond what felt like an individual (me) problem and understand my relational patterns, helping me to remove shame and move towards healing. 

Sue Johnson's influence is evident daily in our practice as we strive to create a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore their emotions, strengthen their relationships, and find healing. Her legacy will continue to inspire us in our work, guiding us towards empathy, reminding us of the importance of connection and supporting healing.

Thank you Sue, on behalf of all our clients and generations to come.

~ Laura, Clinical Therapist
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