Healing is an INSIDE job

When it comes to healing, we often wish others would understand and apologize for hurting us as a catalyst for our healing. But here's the truth: you can't make anyone do something they don't want to do. Healing, it turns out, is an "inside job." 

After being hurt, it's natural to want others to acknowledge the pain they caused. We may seek their validation and an apology even, an acknowledgement of the pain they caused. However, it's important to realize that your healing and well-being doesn't depend on someone else's acknowledgment.

External factors might have caused your pain, but the ability to mend and grow comes from within. You don't need someone else to validate your feelings; you have the power to acknowledge your experience, as well as receive validation from those you love and trust. Trust in your feelings and perspectives. This self-validation becomes the bedrock of real healing.

Remember, everyone faces consequences for their actions eventually. Life has a way of balancing things out. Trust that time will reveal the results of people's actions.

In your healing journey, not everyone will take responsibility for their actions. Embracing the idea that healing is something you do for yourself empowers you. You don't need outside validation; you can recognize your own experience. Trust in the consequences of actions over time, and remember, your healing story is yours to tell and validate. 

By embracing self-validation, you unlock true empowerment and take back control over healing, only you control that. 

We are here to help you navigate your healing process. Start your journey with us today.

Reach out to us if you would like to see one of our Therapists. Let's BE REAL TOGETHER

~ Laura, Clinical Therapist Call (506) 651-1239 or BOOK ONLINE


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