Be wrong about something you previously thought you were right about

Relationships are a very common struggle, but the struggles usually don't happen overnight, often it's years of small things left unaddressed that seem to slowly creep up on couples.

As a couples therapist, I have learned that there are some warning signs that often appear that can predict an early ending, but can also serve as a signal to pay attention and make some changes before you are headed for disaster.

Healthy long-term relationships are built on trust, vulnerability, and friendship. It's important to take responsibility for your role in the relationship and be willing to “be wrong about something you previously thought you were right about”.  

If you want to improve your relationship, you can learn ways to do so in couples therapy. From conflict resolution to increasing physical intimacy, therapists can help you find that “fondness and admiration” for one another again.

Ups and downs are very common and just because you are experiencing some of the above does not mean you can't turn things around.

Coming through tough times as a couple can make you much stronger, it definitely doesn’t have to mean the end. Reach out to start working on your relationship today.

~ Laura 

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