Am I Worthy?

Some of the saddest things I see in my practice are the amount of people who do not see their own worth or importance in this world, which can have devastating impacts on their life. When we don’t see our worth we are more likely to self-sabotage.

Like anything we can’t physically see, it can be hard to acknowledge. Self worth is an intangible concept.

Why is it so hard to see our worth when this is a nonnegotiable ingredient to live a good life? Because up to 80% of our thoughts are negative or self-deprecating and we have learned to measure our self-worth in unhealthy ways.

Many people use their appearance, their accomplishments, finances, or their career as a measuring stick for worth but this is not helpful or healthy. We are told by social media this is a reliable measurement, but the problem is, these metrics are all external factors that can disappear quickly and then where are you left?

The value we feel we hold determines how we feel about ourselves in comparison to the people around us. Many people with low self-worth spend time around others who share the same low self-worth and this does not help cultivate change, it 100% furthers the problem.

The true value of self-worth is found in you and you alone. It is found through being authentic to who you are, living in line with your values and what you believe to be right or wrong.

Accepting yourself for your flaws and weaknesses and believing you are lovable anyways. Celebrating your unique strengths and talents that make you unique.

Worth is built when you quiet the noise of the external factors and live your life line with your values and beliefs.

You have amazing qualities.

Write them down, acknowledge all your talents, strengths and gifts.

Repeat after me: You are worthy because you are breathing.


We're here if you want to talk :)

Take the first step and call us for an appointment ...(506) 651-1239


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