Dear community and followers of our are you coping?
I have been thinking SO much about all of you and wondering how you are coping with this unprecedented situation.
I am hearing that many of you are struggling and have worries and concerns about all the unknowns this virus is bringing.
Please know that these worries are normal however be careful not to catastrophize in your mind. These situations can breed extreme and irrational worry.
Be aware of when your mind may be spiraling and leading you to an unhealthy place. Anxiety wants us to judge the threats as worse; we must become problem solvers. Compile a list of coping strategies that have proven to help you in the past and don’t forget to use them, every day.
These could range from getting outside for some exercise to writing down your worries and using balanced thinking to evaluate them. Stay posted on our page for more strategies on this in the coming days and weeks.
I want to make sure you all know that we as a clinic will be here to support you one way or another through this, in person as long as we can and virtually forever! Regardless of what happens physically to our office, we are COMMITTED to mental health and supporting you.
We are now offering virtual sessions and I want you to know it is so seamless and easy. It will still be covered under your insurance plan and we can still direct bill and various other companies as usual. You have the option of a straight up phone call, face-time if you have an apple device or your therapist can invite you to a Zoom session via email, you literally click on the link and poof, your support person is right there!
We are also now opening extra time slots with therapists to support the overwhelming need now and are flexible about when we do that. We know many of you have children at home and would lack privacy in the daytime, so we are available in the evenings as well.
Book online or call 506-651-1239 to set up your session.
People are suffering a lot through this difficult time and I want to ensure we are the pillar of support for our community so we have also moved our Friday Free Drop In program to a virtual model beginning this Friday.
Clients, you can call in and leave your name and phone number and a therapist will return your call for the free 30 minute session. We are doing everything we can to maintain our services, rather that be in person with appropriate measures or virtually.
We encourage everyone to keep their mental health top of mind and ensure you are coping the best of your ability. This is a time for us to come together as a community, to remain close and connected emotionally and support one another.
Please reach out via email, phone, FB, Instagram, however feels right for you at this time. Be kind to yourself and hang in there, we are here for you.
xx ~ Laura
We're here if you want to talk :)
Take the first step and call us for an appointment ...(506) 651-1239